Thursday, May 29, 2008


Dear CCSI Friends and Family,

Thank you for coming and helping on the cleaning day last Saturday. We greatly appreciate your hard work to make the building a safe and clean place. The next cleaning day is November 29th.

Thank you for submitting your sign-up sheet for the Talent Show. The Talent Show schedule is complete. We expect that it will be a great evening! We are asking all families to bring refreshments to the Talent Show.

E-Zone: This week we will be studying Madagascar. Next week’s E-Zone will be used for Talent Show rehearsal.

This weekend is the CheaJapan conference. We hope many of you are able to attend and that it will be a wonderful time for your family. (Please notify school if your child is attending the conference on Friday.)

A Gallery Night: We are planning a time to view the students’ work from this semester’s art and photography classes. The CE Building will be transformed into a gallery for the night and we will have light refreshments on the patio. Please plan to be a part of this night to celebrate our students’ artistic abilities. Family and friends welcome. Invitations to follow.
Friday, June 13, 2008 (Drop in from 6~8pm.)

Looking Ahead: We are currently planning CCSI's September schedule and are once again looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering to teach a subject at the school or to be a classroom helper, please contact the school. If you are currently volunteering at the school and are interested/able to continue in the Fall, please let the school know as soon as possible. Please note that families whose children are enrolled full time at the school can receive a discount for volunteering to teach a class.

CCSI Administration Team

CCSI ご家族の皆様







Friday, May 23, 2008


Dear Family and Friends,
This Saturday we are having a Parent Cleaning Day.  There are many jobs and projects that need to be completed and we need as much help as possible.  Please let us know if you will be unable to attend.
We are still looking for people to help with the Talent Show, please let us know if you can help in any way.

Last week the E-Zone students learned about Mexico.  The students made sombreros and churros, which the whole school enjoyed!  We also prayed for Mexico and learned about the country during morning devotions.  This week's country for E-Zone is Bangladesh.

Do you know someone who may be interested in E-Zone?  The school board has approved the following guidelines for students outside of CCSI to attend E-Zone.  (The fee for participating in E-Zone has been set at 1000 yen per child per week. Families must sign up in advance of each quarter to participate in E-Zone for that quarter. Most quarters will have 6-7 E-Zone days.) Next quarter's sign-up deadline will be Friday, September 5, 2008.

 Looking Ahead:  We are currently planning CCSI's  September schedule and are once again looking for volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering to teach a subject at the school or to be a classroom helper, please contact the school.  If you are currently volunteering at the school and are interested/able to continue in the Fall, please let the school know as soon as possible.  Please note that families whose children are enrolled full time at the school can receive a discount for volunteering to teach a class.

 Upcoming Events

5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference.
Tedd Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 FEU credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show (7-9pm)
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session


CCSI Administration Team
CCSI ご家族の皆様

今週の土曜日はペアレント クリーニングデーです。大掛かりな清掃や片付けがあり、多くの方々の手伝いが必要です。出席できない方はご連絡ください。



来学期に向けて: 来学期9月からの予定を計画し始めています。今学期同様、ボランティアの方を必要としています。教科を教えるボランティア、または各教室のヘルパーとしてのご奉仕に関心のある方は、学校までご連絡ください。今学期にお手伝いをして頂いている方で、続けて来学期もご奉仕可能な方も、できるだけ早くその旨をお知らせ下さい。ボランティアで教科を教えていただくと、お子様の授業料が割引になります。


5月24日(土) タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
5月24日(土) ペアレント・クリーニングデー(9~12時)
5月30日(金)-5月31日(土) チアにっぽんコンベンション
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ち下さい。  
6月7日(土) SAT試験–東京
6月7日(土) タレント・ショー(19時~21時)
6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日
6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
6月17日~7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション

Thursday, May 15, 2008

CCSI Newsletter - CCSI ニュースレター May 16th

Dear Friends and Family,

Last Saturday's FEU was a good time of confession and prayer. We are often reminded what a joy it is to be in a school where Christ is the center! What a blessing!

E-Zone went very well last week.  The children learned about England, made Mother's Day cards, and the entire school enjoyed delicious scones. This week we will be studying Mexico.

Starting today, the "Gospel Voices of Jackson" will be staying in the Kyouikukan (May 15-25). Please make them feel welcome. CCSI students will be attending a gospel concert at Honda Chapel next Wednesday. Following our normal lunch schedule, we will attend the 1:00 concert. (All students should plan to bring lunch to school.)

The Talent Show is filling up, please make sure you sign-up before May 24th.

Please let the school know if you are planning on attending the CheaJapan conference by May 28th.  This will help with the preparations for E-Zone.

Last month at the entrance ceremony, An offering was collected totaling 26,250 yen. This offering will be sent to an orphanage in Myanmar through the "OM" mission organization.  Please pray for Myanmar as they have been hit by a cyclone recently and thousands of deaths have been reported.

Upcoming Events

5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference
Tedd Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 FEU credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show (7-9pm)
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17-7/10 Japanese Language Track Summer Session

CCSI Administration Team

CCSI ご家族の皆様



今日から、ゴスペルチームが教育館で滞在されます(15-25日)。CCSIの生徒も来週の水曜日、誉田チャペルで行われるゴスペル コンサートに全学年参加します。普段通りに教育館で昼食を済ませた後、午後1時からコンサートに行きます。(全学年お弁当を普段通り持参して下さい)。

タレント ショーの参加者が着々と集められています。申し込み締め切りは5月24日です。




5月24日(土) タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
5月24日(土) ペアレント・クリーニングデー(9~12時)
5月30日(金)-5月31日(土) チアにっぽんコンベンション
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ち下さい。  
6月7日(土) SAT試験–東京
6月7日(土) タレント・ショー(19時~21時)
6月12日(木) 英語部4学期終業日
6月13日(金) ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
6月17日~7月10日 日本語部サマーセッション

Thursday, May 8, 2008

CCSI Newsletter - CCSI ニュースレター May 9th

Dear Parents,

We hope you and your families had a wonderful break.
This week marks the first of several busy weeks at CCSI.
On Saturday, Dan and Carol Iverson will be leading an FEU.
It will begin at 10:00 AM. If you attend, you will receive 2 credit hours. Please remember that each family needs to attend a total of six hours of Family Education per school year.  Dan and Carol will be continuing their talk on relationship building. Not only is this a great time of instruction, but also a great time of fellowship.
The talent show is quickly approaching and we you're your help!  If you are willing to help with this event, please contact the school.  We are looking for volunteers to:
1. Organize and set-up refreshments
2. Create and print programs
3. Set up and clean up
Please remember that the deadline for talent show sign-up is May 24th.
Our first E-Zone is tomorrow. The children will be studying England and participating in some fun activities.  If your child will be staying for lunch at the school, they will need to bring a lunch with them.  E-Zone will provide a snack based on the country they are studying. To protect our students' uniforms, every Friday will be a dress-down day.
If your child does not have afternoon classes on Friday, please make sure that they are picked up no later than 1:00 PM.  Only middle school and high school students should be at the school after 1:00 PM.  Thank you.
We are still looking for volunteers to lead devotions during the Summer session (6/17-7/10).  If you are available, please sign-up in the CCSI Office.  (Devotional times can be in Japanese or English.) 8:30-9:00.
 Upcoming Events
5/9 There is E-Zone!
5/10 FEU at CCSI (10:00-12:00) – Dan&Carol Iverson
5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference
Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.
6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show
6/12 End of Fourth Quarter
6/13 Teacher In-Service Day (No school)
6/17 Japanese Language Track Summer Session Begins
CCSI Administration Team 
CCSI ご家族の皆様






524():タレントショー 申し込み締め切り
「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)。
612日 英語部4学期終業日
13日 ティーチャーズインサービスデー(休校)
17日 日本語部サマーセッション始業日

Thursday, May 1, 2008

CCSI Newsletter - CCSI ニュースレター May 2nd

Dear Parents,
Our Wednesday morning devotional schedule is the most diverse.  On the first Wednesday of each month we pray for our school.  We often talk about things we are thankful for and things that we want to ask God for CCSI.  The second Wednesday every month we pray for a different prefecture in Japan.  This is part of a series that was started last year, and we are almost finished with the entire country of Japan.  It is wonderful to think that the children have prayed for almost every prefecture, specifically by prayer needs.  The third Wednesday every month is English worship with the Keiyo Team.  We start classes at 8:30 AM and then at 10:30 AM we have a worship service together.  The 4th week is Concert of Prayer, and we gather together and pray for the first 30 minutes of the day.  If there is a 5th Wednesday, there is a special devotional.  I would like to give a special thanks to Kevin Pitz who volunteers to translate most Wednesday mornings.
Students who will not attend school on May 30, in order to go to the CheaJapan conference, will not be marked absent for the day.  Please note that there will be school on May 30, for the families who are unable to attend the conference.
Upcoming E-Zones:  E-Zone will start up again on May 9th.
Once again, we will be concentrating an the different countries of the world.  However, this semester we will not be providing lunch for the students.  If your students are staying for lunch, please send a packed lunch.
We will be studying the following countries:
May 9:  England
May 16:  Mexico
May 23:  Bangladesh
May 30:  Madagascar
Also, the elementary grades will be performing a dance number for the talent show.  We will be practicing during the last hour of the upcoming E-Zone days.
June 6th E-Zone will be used for student Talent show rehearsal.  (Parents/family are not required to attend.) 
Please sign up for the talent show by the May 24th deadline.
 Upcoming Events
5/3 SAT testing in Tokyo
5/6 National Holiday
5/9 There is E-Zone!
5/10 FEU at CCSI (10:00-12:00) – Dan&Carol Iverson
5/24 Deadline for talent show sign-up.
5/24 Parent Cleaning Day (9:00-12:00)
5/30-31 CheaJapan Conference

Tedd Tripp, the author of "Shepherding a Child's Heart," will be the main speaker. (You can also receive 2 credit hours for attending this conference.) If you are interested in the conference, please pick up a flyer from the CCSI office.

6/7 SAT testing in Tokyo
6/7 Talent Show
CCSI Administration
E-Zone: 59()からE-Zoneが再開します。前学期に引き続き、世界の国々について学んでいきます。今学期は昼食はありませんので、もしE-Zone後に昼食を食べてから下校する生徒は、各自昼食を持参して下さい。
66日のE-Zoneはタレントショーのリハーサルになります。(ご両親、ご家族の方はリハーサルに出ていただく必要はありません。) タレントショーのサインアップは524()が締め切りです






524():タレントショー 申し込み締め切り


530()-531():チアにっぽんコンベンション「親と子のコミュニケーション~Shepherding a Child's Heart~」の著者であるテッド・トリップ氏がメイン・スピーカーです(このコンベンションに参加するとFEU2単位になります)。コンベンションに興味がある方は、CCSIオフィスに案内がありますのでどうぞお持ちください。  

