Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014年 12月 19日 Friday, December 19, 2014

Memory Verse: Romans 15:5 May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus. . .
E-mail newsletter:
If you are not receiving the newsletter by a e-mail please let someone in the office know.
CCSI Japan Facebook page:
If you are on facebook please join the CCSI Japan facebook page. It will be a place to share pictures from different events that we have as well as a place to communicate with one another.
Tuesday Devotions:
Jan 6 - Mirabella Jan 13 - Kurashima Jan 20 - Kawanishi Jan 27 - Tarutani
Thursday Devotions:
Jan 8 - Gloria Jan 15 - Sam Jan 22 - Kotoha Jan 29 - James
Mochi Tsuki
Please mark your calendars for the annual rice pounding event at CCSI. We will gather on January 10. More details to follow!
Dates to Remember
January 6: First day of school after break January 10: Rice Pounding Event
[CCSI Board News]
The CCSI board plans to send a note each semester to let you know the recent and future agenda so you can pray with us.
[J Track]
The board is contacting some teacher candidates and seminaries for a new J track teacher. Please pray that the Lord will send a teacher according to His will.
There are a few students who want to enroll from next April as 1st graders. Please pray that we will find a new teacher soon and be able to accept the new students.
[E Track]
From January next year, one new student will join the 2nd grade. His name is Kai Radke from MTW Tokyo team. Letʼs welcome him.
Also in January, we will have a new intern, Tory Chow. She is currently a freshman at college. Please pray for her preparation and financial support to come to Japan.

どうか、忍耐と励ましの神が、あなたがたを、キリ スト・イエスにふさわしく、お互いに同じ思いを持 つようにしてくださいますように...

E-mail ニュースレター
CCSI Japan Facebook page:
facebookをしている方は、 CCSI Japanにぜひ参加して下さい。交流する場にもなりますし、また様々なイベントの写真をシェアする場にもなります。
1/6 - ミラベラ家 1/13- 倉嶋家 1/20- 河西家 1/27 - 樽谷家
1/8 - Gloria 1/15- Sam 1/22 - Kotoha 1/29 - James
CCSIで毎年恒例になっている餅つき大会がありますのでカレンダーに印をつけておいて下さい。今年は1月10日です。 詳細は後日お知らせします。
1/6: 始業日 1/10:餅つき大会

 これから学期ごとにボード(理事会)からのお知らせをお配りします。CCSIの近況や将来の課題をおぼえて お祈りください。
ボードでは、新しい教師リクルートのため何名かの候補者や神学校などにコンタクトしています。御心の先生が与えられるよう、お祈りください。 4月から入学を希望されているお子さん(新1年 生)が数名おられます。新しい教師が早く見つか り、新入生を受け入れられるようお祈りください。 
来年1月から、2年生に1名生徒が加わる予定で す。MTW東京チームのラドケ家のカイ君です。皆で 歓迎しましょう。
同じく1月に、新しいインターンTory Chowさん が来られる予定です。現大学1年生です。来日準 備、サポートのためにお祈りください。

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Influenza at CCSI

Today, December 10, our students numbered only 18, due to the prevalence of influenza among our families and teachers. We have decided to cancel classes for tomorrow, December 11, Thursday, and make a further decision about Friday by Thursday afternoon.  If anyone in your family has contracted influenza, please inform the school, as this will help our decision.

We are praying for a speedy recovery for each child and protection for the rest of the family members.

CCSI  Staff




Tuesday, December 2, 2014

保護者各位 Dear Parents

We are going to have a board mtg. at educational building. Wed 19:00- . agenda is as below. Please pray for the meeting and if you want to observe the meeting, please contact shinhirohashi@gmail.com

CCSI board mtg.
[Reports] 報告
A.    Students and school update 生徒と学校の現状
B.    Teachers’ update 教師の現状
C.    Finances--- E & J tracks 会計(EおよびJトラック)
D.    Other その他

 <<Regular Agenda for Fall Board Meeting (Oct-Dec)>> 
1.    Approval/Disapproval of new students enrollment in April 2015 
(1)    Principal or Administrator will present the enrollment form submitted by the students
(parents) and make recommendation of students.
(2)    Board will discuss and take a vote.
2.    Renewal of teacher’s contract 教師の契約更改
3.    Recruiting/Hiring of new teachers 新教師のリクルート、雇用

<<Other Agenda for Dec 4, 2014>> その他議案
1.    Restructuring リストラクチャリング(構造改革)
(1)  Set up an Executive Board学校運営会の設置
[Members (Draft)] Yoji, Carol and Kumiko and/or Linda, Shin and/or Karen.
(2)  Merging the E & J tracks to one “International” school: 
First step: Finance 第一ステップとして会計の統合
2.    Developing new teacher supply sources (other than MTW/PCA)
CBI, TCU and PCJ churches 
 Shinichi Hirohashi
JPM Staff/Publishing & Translation
Pastor of Oyumino-Christ Church